مکالمه ی فعالانه قسمت ب
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مکالمه ی فعالانه قسمت ب
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در این درس، سوالاتی از درسنامهی اصلی پرسیده میشود که با پاسخ به این سوالات میتوانید مکالمهی خود را قویتر نمایید.
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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»
راهنمای خواندن این درس
نکته اول:
ابتدا میتوانید یکی دو بار بهصورت تفننی این داستان را بهصورت صوتی یا تصویری ببینید. اما برای یادگیری زبان انگلیسی بایستی تکنیکهای سایه و استراتژیهای گفتهشده در نوشتهی پنج استراتژی برای تقویت مکالمه را روی این داستان پیادهسازی نمایید.
نکته دوم:
اگر سطح این داستان مناسب شما نبود، میتوانید به بخش داستان کوتاه انگلیسی وبسایت زبانشناس مراجعه کرده و داستان دیگری انتخاب نمایید.
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متن انگلیسی درس
Active Speaking - Part B
He planned to have Chance stuffed so he could hold onto the memory of his dear pet, but first he had to skin him.
What was Ralph planning to do to Chance’s body? Ralph was going to have Chance’s body stuffed. Why did he want to have Chance stuffed? He wanted to have Chance stuffed so he could hold onto the memory of his dear pet. Did he first have to skin him? Yes, he first had to skin him.
Ralph loved this bull like a family member.
Did Ralph love all of his animals like family members? No, Ralph didn’t love all of his animals like family members. Who did Ralph love like a family member? Ralph loved Chance like a family member.
It was a tough thing to do, but he got his knife and got to work.
Was it easy to skin Chance? No, it wasn’t easy to skin Chance. Was it tough to skin Chance? Yes, it was tough to skin Chance. What did he use to skin him? He used a knife to skin him.
He skinned and cried and skinned and cried all day in the rain until he was done.
Was he sad? Yes, he was very sad. What did he do all day in the rain? He cried and skinned all day in the rain.
Three months earlier Chance went to Texas AM University to have a mole removed.
Where did Chance go before he died? Chance went to Texas AM University before he died. Why did he go there? He went there to have a mole removed.
Ralph heard that the university was planning to clone an animal.
Was the university planning to clone a plant? No, the university wasn’t planning to clone a plant. Was the university planning to clone a human? No, the university wasn’t planning to clone a human. What was the university planning to clone? The university was planning to clone an animal.
He knew that Chance was getting old and wouldn’t live long. Chance was 19 years old, which was 88 years old in people years.
Was Chance a young bull? No, Chance wasn’t a young bull. Was Chance an old bull? Yes, Chance was an old bull. How old was Chance? Chance was 19 years old. How old was this in people years? This was 88 in people years.
Ralph begged the doctors at the university to clone Chance.
Did Ralph order the doctors to clone Chance? No, Ralph didn’t order the doctors to clone Chance. Did Ralph yell at the doctors to clone Chance? No, Ralph didn’t yell at the doctors to clone Chance. What did Ralph do? Ralph begged the doctors to clone Chance.
At first they refused, but Ralph wouldn’t leave them alone. Finally they agreed to do it.
Did they refuse? Yes, at first they refused. Who refused? The doctors refused. Did Ralph give up? No, Ralph didn’t give up. He wouldn’t leave them alone.
Ten months after Chance died, Chance’s clone was born.
When was Chance’s clone born? Chance’s clone was born ten months after Chance died.
Ralph named the clone Second Chance.
What did Ralph name the clone? Ralph named the clone Second Chance.
The first time they let Second Chance free, unbelievably he went and sat down under the original Chance’s favorite tree outside of Ralph’s kitchen window.
Did Second Chance sit in the original Chance’s favorite chair? No, Second Chance didn’t sit in the original Chance’s favorite chair. Did Second Chance sit in the original Chance’s favorite car? No, Second Chance didn’t sit in the original Chance’s favorite car. Where did Second Chance sit? Second Chance sat under the original Chance’s favorite tree.
This wasn’t the only strange thing. Second Chance also had the same eating pattern as the original Chance.
Did Second Chance have the same eating pattern as Ralph? No, Second Chance didn’t have the same eating pattern as Ralph. Did Second Chance have the same eating pattern as the original Chance? Yes, Second Chance had the same eating pattern as the original Chance. Was this strange? Yes, this was very strange.
He’d pull his head out of the food bucket to chew in between bites.
How would Chance chew? Chance would pull his head out of the food bucket to chew in between bites. Would Second Chance also pull his head out of the food bucket to chew in between bites? Yes, Second Chance would also pull his head out of the food bucket to chew in between bites.
Ralph had worked with animals his whole life but had never seen any animal do this except for Chance and Second Chance.
Was this a normal thing to do? No, this wasn’t a normal thing to do. How often had Ralph seen this eating pattern in his life? In his whole life, Ralph had only seen this eating pattern with Chance and Second Chance.
Second Chance also seemed to recognize Ralph and always came to him. The doctors reminded Ralph that Second Chance was just a clone.
What did the doctors remind Ralph about? The doctors reminded Ralph that Second Chance was just a clone.